Wednesday 4 May 2011

New Music Magazine


The magazine is aimed at a mixed gender audience of people aged 15-20, although it is a new music magazine it is relatively formal up to the modern market, of having lots of colours and bright neon like lettering , however its is still looks modern. The purpose of the magazine is to inform and entertain the reader with interviews with members of bands, giving away prizes and informing them of what acts are currently in the spotlight.

I emulated my Magazine front cover around a popular music magazine called “Q” witch is a formal looking magazine, I have used a similar lay out using a large logo in the top left hand corner over the top of the background witch is a close up of a “performers” face, on the other top corner I have a large head line about the main article inside.

I feel this magazine represents the small number of youths that have an interest in new music in general but not one genre of music in particular, as this magazine is about a variety of styles of music not just one, which isn’t common in music magazines but dose occur in some. I wouldn’t say that the music magazine is aimed at any particular social groups more around students in general that are interested in music and enjoy reading about it.

Some concepts that I have used to attract the audience is the large lettering in the top right corner about the main feature inside but I have also advertised competitions and have things such as the awards advertised on the front. The magazine also isn’t full of bright colours but it dose have a large main picture that fills the page that stands out.

I learned about the technologies involved with editing a still print and how to actually produce an image that looks like a magazine by using Photoshop, but also taking the photos for the cover regarding types of lighting required around in order to get the best outcome of the picture and what backgrounds will allow the picture co stand out clearly and sharp, the initial skill for this were mostly gained by doing the preliminary task however for the music magazine the photos had to be more focused and show a particular theme, witch is music without music being present e.g. There no instruments or action shots of people performing , were as in the preliminary task I actually showed somebody participating in sport.

The magazine would most likely to be distributed at local news agents or in music shops, its not the sort of magazine that you would see being advertised on television or radio but certainly advertised by prints or through social networking e.g. having a group or fan page on Facebook or twitter that shows regular updated of what’s inside the magazine and what competitions are being run etc, it could also have its own website that shows features of the magazine and previews and parts of articles that makes the viewer want to buy the magazine in order to view the rest of it, and also about what’s in the next months addition, this could also be done in the form of possible a mobile phone application for I phones or Android phones.

Looking at the progress that I made from the start of the project there is a vast improvement as I made a slow star to the project and made most of the first draft without any pictures, once I eventually had pictures then I changes the layout of the front cover to make it look slightly less like the original magazine that I had emulated it around but also made it look mare professional but touching up the edges of pictures and making them look more crisp. The preliminary task that I made didn’t resemble much of a magazine cover to me i think it looked more like a poster or flyer advertising school sports, possibly because I tried using too much editing as I was getting used to the concepts of using Photoshop so the difference in my ability shows through looking at the earlier preliminary task then looking at the final piece of coursework.

If i could change any of the coursework I would have defiantly made an earlier start to it but also spent more time doing more drafts to experiment with a range front covers to chose from as appose to being stuck just having to work around one. I would have also written the article on the double page spread after I had done the from cover in order to relate the two together because although I have advertised on the front cover about the interview the main picture bares no relevance so I would have preferred to be able to link the two together.